他住在西艾格,一个“新贵”居住的地方。“新贵”一词,在英语中是“New Money”,在法语中为“Nouveaux Riche”,而有意思的人,在两种语言中,“新贵”都是贬义词,代表着“暴发户”...
Katie: Um...I don't understand. Um... Waitress: Do you have another card, or cash? It's only $22.75. Katie: I know how much it is. Lauren: Here. What the hell are you looki...
Which you said you'd never do. When's thebaby shower? David: Come on. You know, it's still me. Deborah: Does that girl know howfucked upyou are? No, we're gonna...we're gonnastraighten you out, David. We are. I know a great therapist and you're gon...
David: Yes, I'd like to make acollect call, please. David Marks. Dad, David. Huh? How am I gonna do that? I got on thetuxedo. Can't we just call aplumber? Yeah right, why w...
Doug: OK, I'm aspinelessjerk. And you were right. I'm just a man with a duck. But Pierre's gone. Alright? He flew. If he can fly... I'm falling in love with you, Holly. Audience: Aw... It's so romantic. Oh,give him anothergo. My husband would never...